Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dental care involves the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of conditions, disorders and diseases affecting the teeth, gums and jaws.

Complete dental examination and diagnosis is a complete visual inspection of the oral cavity, with any necessary X-rays complete exam will be done under magnification to know the condition of teeth, gums and underlying bone.


A night guard is a simple, inexpensive protective device preventing tooth wear and fracture caused by grinding habits 

When to use it?

Grinding is most likely due to stress and anxiety that affect you subconsciously while asleep. , it may cause jaw joint and muscle pain, headaches, neck and back aches, ear aches teeth damage and other health complications in long term. A night guard can protect your teeth, relax your muscles and can help eliminate or reduce this destructive habit.

Key information

  • It can result in aesthetic issues with an uneven or unsightly smile, may even result in tooth loss.

We have recently relocated to 我們已搬到以下地址:

1410-11, 14/F, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
